Tagged: Copenhagen

MSC Euribia To Sail World-first Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cruise

MSC EuribiaThe Cruise Division of MSC Group next week will operate the industry’s first net zero greenhouse gas emissions voyage when its latest MSC Cruises flagship, the liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered MSC Euribia, leaves her shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France – where she is currently being built – on the way to her naming ceremony in Copenhagen, Denmark. (more…)

Former director of Cruise Baltic and CruiseCopenhagen wins honorary award at Seatrade Cruise Med 2022

The now former director of the two cruise networks Cruise Baltic and CruiseCopenhagen, Claus Bødker, receives the Seatrade Outstanding Achievement Award at this year’s Seatrade Cruise Med for his relentless work to promote the Baltic Sea Region and Denmark and for his facilitation of great network and collaboration. (more…)

New Rules For Cruises In Denmark

Oceankaj Cruise Terminal in  Copenhagen (Courtesy Copenhagen Malmö Port)From the 24th of August, cruise guests who go ashore in Denmark must be aware of new requirements. The Danish Authorities now require that all guests are tested before going ashore. This applies to immune and vaccinated guests as well. (more…)

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