Tagged: Dubai – United Arab Emirates – Bahrain – Qatar – Oman

Dubai cruise terminal hosts 2.3 million tourists since 2014

The Dubai Cruise Terminal is located at Port RashidThe Hamdan Bin Mohammed Cruise Terminal, the biggest cruise terminal in the world in terms of size and handling capacity, has received over 2.3 million tourists since its inauguration in 2014 and up to the end of 2018. The terminal has also recorded a milestone leap with a 172 per cent increase in cruise tourist numbers from 2014, according to a top official. (khaleejtimes.com)

Pullmantur Cruceros Launches Dubai and Legends of Arabia Program

Pullmantur Cruceros has launched its winter program from Dubai, sailing its first cruise aboard the Horizon this week. To mark the occasion, 50 local officials and dignitaries participated in a plaque exchange event with executives from Pullmantur and ship’s officers, including Captain Charilaos Petrides. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

Doha: Boudicca arrival kicks off cruise season

Cruise ship Boudicca docked at Doha Port, Qatar’s gateway to marine tourism, yesterday to signal the start of the 2018-19 cruise season. With a total of 43 cruise ships carrying more than 140,000 visitors expected to dock at Doha Port during the season, which will continue until May 2019, this is set to be the busiest season since the development of the cruise tourism sector in the country, Qatar Ports Management Company (Mwani Qatar) has said in a statement. (gulf-times.com)

Dubai cruise terminal doubles influx of cruise tourists since 2014

The Dubai Cruise Terminal is located at Port RashidDubai’s cruise terminal at Mina Rashid has more than doubled the number of cruise tourists it receives since it opened in four years ago.Hamdan bin Mohammed Cruise Terminal, managed by DP World, welcomed more than 625,000 holiday-makers in 2016-17 season, up from 320,000 cruise tourists that arrived in Dubai in the 2013-14 season. (thenational.ae)

MSC Cruises enhances its range of cruises from the United Arab Emirates with the introduction of a second ship, MSC Lirica

The MSC Lirica (In this image at Rio de Janeiro)MSC Cruises is enhancing its range of cruises from the United Arab Emirates with the introduction of a second ship, MSC Lirica. Featuring new extended cruises of 11 nights and 14 nights, MSC Lirica will be making her debut in the UAE in November 2018, offering longer itineraries, two overnight stays in Dubai, as well as cruises to India for the very first time. (more…)

Premier cruise anchors in Abu Dhabi waters

Celebrity Constellation, a luxury vessel from one of the world’s biggest cruise operators, is the first ship to make the UAE capital its home. The vessel is one of three cruise departures originating from Abu Dhabi in the 2016/17 season, which also sees the highest number of new callers and the highest recorded number of regional rotational callers. (khaleejtimes.com)