Tagged: CDU – Cruise Down Under

Australia: Cruise ships bring thousands of toursits to Townsville

Nearly 3000 cruise passengers and crew will visit Townsville over the next two days. The ultra-luxury Seven Seas Voyager will deliver 670 passengers and 450 crew to our shore today for a one-day stop. Tomorrow, one of the biggest cruise ships to visit the city this year, the high-end Artania, will arrive, carrying 1025 passengers and 531 crew for a one-day visit. (townsvillebulletin.com.au)

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Newcastle: Ready for More Maiden Calls

Signs of a solid cruise port? More and more maiden calls. Such is the case in Newcastle, New South Wales, and is a direct response to commercial incentives introduced on port charges for inaugural visits, said David Brown, business development officer for the port. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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Western Australia: Capitalizing on Growth

Aerial view of the Queen Mary 2 maiden visit, March 2010 leaving port (Courtesy Fremantle Ports)Tourism Western Australia has taken a keen interest in the cruise industry and is looking forward to a number of developments. New ships to the region are expected this season, driven in part by strong passenger feedback. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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CDU Managing the Growth

Oceania Cruises' Nautica entering SydneyA booming Asia market has Australia reaping dividends in terms of seasonal deployment, according to Cruise Down Under, a regional association serving cruise lines, ports and suppliers in the Australian market. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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Darwin Adding More Port Opportunities

Another Australian region seeing a year-over-year increase in ships and passengers is Darwin. The host of this year’s Cruise Down Under conference, the facility in Darwin is also being joined by another berthing opportunity in Northern Territory, Arnhem Land, which is an aboriginal territory east of Darwin. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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