Why Veterans are the Perfect Business Owners and Travel Advisors – Cruise Planners

Cruise Planners (Logo)Military veterans and their families are the lifeblood of America and their sacrifice to serve our country is commendable. After they leave military life, there is so much more out there for them than just retirement.

For many, a second career is exactly the right way to transfer the incredible skills they learned while in the military. Cruise Planners has a robust community of veterans and has been ranked by Franchise Business Review as a Top Franchise for Veterans. And for good reason—Cruise Planners offers the flexibility for veterans to create a life that works for them. Isaiah Banks, a Navy veteran says being a franchise owner has been a great way for him to segue his skills into an encore career.

“As a former naval officer, it taught me how to prepare, plan, adapt, and overcome challenges and obstacles,” said Isaiah Banks, a veteran and franchise owner. “After I retired, I wanted a profession where I was in complete control of my destiny and a career as a travel advisor at Cruise Planners has been the perfect fit.”

Similar to military life, once a new travel advisor has undergone extensive training, Cruise Planners’ technology, training, marketing and support helps them succeed. Cruise Planners’ best-in-class technology, industry experience and Home Office team experience and support have helped the organization become the leader in the industry.

Being a business owner is also appealing to veterans because of the flexibility and freedom it provides. They can set their own hours and make decisions that will directly impact their success. Being their own bosses is also a great way for veterans to continue to serve their communities by creating jobs and providing services.

“We are proud of the myriad of awards that we have won that highlight our commitment to veteran entrepreneurs,” said Michelle Fee, CEO and Founder of Cruise Planners. “From day one, you’ll benefit from having access to cutting-edge technology, award-winning creative marketing campaigns, as well as professional coaching and advisor development throughout your ownership journey.”

(Cruise Planners)