Join the 2023 “Young Explorers Program” – Adventure Canada

Together with The Explorers Club, Adventure Canada supports scientific research and conservation through the Young Explorers Program.

This innovative program encourages the spirit of exploration by giving youth aged nineteen to thirty the opportunity to conduct individual creative and research projects on an Adventure Canada expedition.

In 2023, the Young Explorers will join the High Arctic Explorer expedition—if you or someone you know is interested in applying, please do so by March 10, 2023.

The Young Explorers Program brings youth on board select Adventure Canada expeditions to conduct academic research projects, network with other professionals, engage in cultural exchange, and participate in life-changing experiences.

Offered in partnership between Adventure Canada and The Explorers Club since 2016, the Young Explorers is a unique and innovative outreach program that supports the personal and professional growth of youth.

Youth apply with specific, place-based project proposals that demonstrate significant potential, then travel on board one of Adventure Canada’s selected expeditions to conduct their research or complete a creative or cultural project.

“We believe the alumni of the Young Explorers will be the next generation’s leaders of thoughtful policy, action, and communication,”.

Many past participants have already used their experience to springboard further educational pursuits and their careers.

Supporting Science & Scholarship

Keiji Hammond, an early career scientist, studied the geochemistry of southern and southwest Greenland using thermobarometry techniques on Iceland to Greenland: In the Wake of the Vikings. Keiji currently works as a Senior Museum Specialist in mineral deposits at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

Keiji shares, “The Young Explorer’s program has granted me access to remote regions of the Arctic to collect field samples for geologic research. This has given me an incredible opportunity in my early career to visit an under-studied region of the planet in order to gain an insight into the history of the Earth. The findings will add to the data pertaining to the early North American Craton and the rifting of the mid-Atlantic ridge.”

(Adventure Canada)