Cruise Planners releases in-depth eBook titled “How to Choose Your Perfect Travel Niche To Increase Profits”

Cruise Planners recently partnered with Travel Market Report to produce a free, in-depth eBook titled: “How to Choose Your Perfect Travel Niche To Increase Profits”.

The study takes a comprehensive look at the world of travel niches and how being a specialist can further your sales. The eBook features a trove of valuable suggestions and data along with anecdotal input from seasoned Cruise Planners franchise owners on how choosing a niche helped them succeed.

“From day one, we encourage our agents to pick a niche they’re passionate about to focus on, especially if they want to reach higher sales volumes,” said Michelle Fee, CEO and co-founder of Cruise Planners. “Our advisors who have followed that have found much success and in this eBook,and, in this eBook, they generously share their insights on best practices that have worked for them.”

Highlights include:

> How selecting a niche gives travel advisors a distinct advantage in the marketplace
> Over 50 examples of travel niches for you to consider
> The most common mistakes travel advisors make when developing a niche
> How Michael Consoli, Cruise Planners’ top producing travel advisor, marketed his niche to sell $20M in travel, during a pandemic!
> Travel advisors who niche down, and who position themselves as experts in a certain type of travel tend to earn greater profitability, and experience better satisfaction.

“This eBook expands on our mission by exploring all the ways in which niching down is beneficial to travel advisors,” Anne Marie Moebes, Travel Market Report publisher, said. “We are grateful to Cruise Planners for opening its franchisees’ doors to us for a look at how positioning oneself as a niche expert pays off in so many ways.”

The eBook is available for free to download at

(Cruise Planners)