Suez Canal Promote “Maritime Tourism” at Egyptian Ports

In the view of promoting “Maritime Tourism” at Egyptian ports Suez Canal Authority had decided the following: “Passenger Ships” & “Cruise Ships” only with passengers onboard and “Yachts” of SC.G.T 300 tons or more calling Egyptian “Mediterranean Sea” & “Red Sea” ports shall be granted the following rebates according to the following conditions:

1) A rebate of 50% from Suez Canal normal tolls for each trip of the “round-trip” where the calling period at the Egyptian ports must not be less than 72 hours. In case the calling period at the Egyptian ports is less than 72 hours and not less than 24 hours, the rebate percentage shall be calculated as follows: 50% x No. of hours spent at the Egyptian ports / 72.

2) In case the number of hours spent by the vessel at Egyptian “Red Sea ports” is “less than half the aggregate number of hours spent by the vessel at the Egyptian ports” and not less than 12 hours, the rebate percentage shall be calculated on the basis of double the hours spent by the vessel at Egyptian “Red Sea ports”.

3) The period of frequent calling of Egyptian ports for which the afore mentioned rebate is calculated is set as follows:

– First: In case the rebate is granted for one trip: the period of frequent calling of Egyptian ports for which the afore mentioned rebate is calculated is set to be 30 days before transit date and the same period after transit date.

– Second: In case the rebate is granted for a round-trip: the period of frequent calling of Egyptian ports for which the afore mentioned rebate is calculated is set to be 30 days before transit date, 30 days between the two transits and 30 days after the return trip transit date.

4) The afore mentioned rebate shall be applied to (“Passenger Ships” & “Cruise Ships” only with passengers onboard) and “Yachts” of SC.G.T 300 tons or more.

This circular is applicable from the 1st of December 2020.

(Suez Canal)