Cruise Baltic launches innovative Port Development Overview

In order to meet the needs from the cruise lines Cruise Baltic has developed an innovative and online news platform that provides the cruise lines with quick and easy access to information on Baltic Sea port development projects.

As the first cruise association in the world, Cruise Baltic is now ready with a comprehensive and dedicated overview of port development in the entire Baltic Sea region.

The online platform is called Port Development Overview and is launched in order to ensure that the cruise lines from all over the world are provided with relevant information on Baltic Seal port development projects.

“The cruise ships have become substantially larger over the past ten years, which means that it is of crucial importance to the cruise lines whether the ports have followed the development and have the capacity to accommodate the large ships. The Cruise lines plan two to three years ahead, therefore it is very important that information about future port developments are available. We now give the cruise lines easy access to this information,” says Claus Bødker, Director of Cruise Baltic.

The innovative Port Development Overview contains information about the Baltic Sea ports, and is continuously updated with new development projects, the benefits of the development, projects time frames etc.

Cruise Baltic expects that the new site will be widely used by cruise lines planning future itineraries. Therefore, the information may be crucial for the cruise destinations in the Baltic Sea in order to attract the cruise lines.

Port Development Overview is online and can be visited here:

Cruise Baltic was founded in 2004 as a network of 12 cruise destinations in the Baltic Sea region. Since then, the network has been growing and today it includes 29 destinations.

(Cruise Baltic)