Go-ahead for new cruise terminal in Copenhagen
The Board of Copenhagen Malmö Port, CMP, has given the go-ahead to build a new cruise terminal in Copenhagen. The terminal will be located beyond the current Oceankaj in Ydre Nordhavn and will be able to handle more than 5,000 passengers per call.
The prospects for the future of the cruise industry are promising, with constantly rising demand. To be able to cope with the increasing interest, CMP has made the assessment that current facilities need to be augmented with another terminal building, Terminal 4.
“A new terminal, designed for more than 5,000 passengers, will enable us to receive more and bigger ships in future. With this development, we are making sure that Copenhagen retains and develops its position as the leading cruise destination in Northern Europe. We look forward to continuing to attract passengers to the attractive city of Copenhagen through close collaboration with various partners and actors in the city,” says Barbara Scheel Agersnap, CEO of Copenhagen Malmö Port.
In 2017, 55 ships, each with more than 4,000 passengers on board, visited CMP in what are known as turnaround calls, when ships change their passengers. The total number of cruise passengers arriving during the season will be around 850,000 people.
“This decision gives us the opportunity to create a modern, attractive terminal that can efficiently handle the large number of passengers wanting to visit Copenhagen in future,” says Arnt Møller Pedersen, COO, Cruise & Ferries, Copenhagen Malmö Port AB.
The cruise industry creates just over 4,000 jobs (mainly seasonal jobs) in Copenhagen and contributes total turnover of SEK 1.3 billion to the capital city region’s economy.
The cruise terminal is expected to open in 2020.