Beat the Summer heat alongside Canadian Polar Bears and Icebergs enjoying One Ocean Expeditions’ Canadian polar cruise

Akademik Sergey VavilovFor those who don’t enjoy the heat and would like to head somewhere cooler during the summer break this year, there’s a six-week window of opportunity between late July and mid-September, when optimal ice conditions above the Arctic Circle allow for easy navigation, making it the ideal time to enjoy a Canadian polar cruise.  

Travelling at this time of year also means extended hours of daylight and, towards the end of summer, there’s also a good chance of seeing the amazing phenomenon of the Northern Lights.

One Ocean Expeditions (OOE), small ship polar cruise specialists, have been exploring the maze of waterways in the Arctic for more than a decade and, will once again be returning with their two ice-strengthened expedition vessels to explore the region during its short summer season.

Passengers with families will enjoy the opportunity to spot wildlife that is unique to the great white north, including Polar bears, musk ox, walrus, beluga and narwhal whales.
In the company of trained and experienced OOE guides, guests will participate in a range of soft adventures, such as hiking across Arctic tundra, a vast expanse of stunning, pristine wilderness, festooned with wild flowers and zodiac cruising alongside awe-inspiring glacial walls.

In addition, they will experience authentic and respectful cultural interaction with Inuit communities, learning about their way of life, watching them at work and perhaps even purchasing some of the beautiful hand-made textiles and crafts that they produce, which provide a sustainable source of income in these remote locations.
And, with temperatures ranging from 4°C  to 15°C  (40°F to 50°F) on a sunny day, the atmosphere is both comfortable and refreshing.

Summer voyages in the Canadian Arctic include the celebrated transit of the Northwest Passage, a 12-night expedition across the top of Canada.  The deep fjords and towering peaks of Baffin Island are experienced on several trips during the season, featuring spectacular landscapes that have been likened to Norwegian fjords on an entirely different scale!  In addition, the eight-night ‘Finding Franklin’ voyage will appeal to history lovers, while the seven-night Wildlife encounter will be popular with all the family.

Andrew Prossin, Managing Director at One Ocean Expeditions, says:  “Every passenger who has discovered the Arctic with us came back transformed by its beauty, the experience and knowledge they acquired.”

Entry level cabins start from US$5195pp, with families benefiting from a 25% price reduction for children and youth.  Prices include all onboard accommodation, daily meals/afternoon tea, zodiac and land excursions, a complimentary package of foul weather gear, educational seminars and all port fees and permits.  Access to the cruises is via Edmonton and Ottawa, from where OOE provides charter flights to the far north and transfers to its ships.  
A range of packages and flight incentives is available to meet travellers’ needs and budgets.
So, as the temperatures heat up and the mercury rises, why not take to the Arctic and explore the North?!

(One Ocean Expeditions)