Tagged: San Diego

Port of San Diego’s New Brand

San DiegoThe Port of San Diego is launching a new brand as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy designed to unify and clarify its diverse functions, and attract more people and businesses to the waterfront. (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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San Diego cruise industry on the rebound

With cruise lines and passengers growing more comfortable with sailings in and out of Mexico, the Port of San Diego is expecting a 50 percent increase in cruise calls during the 2016-17 season. (sandiegouniontribune.com)

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Are more cruise ships in San Diego’s future?

San DiegoNearly five years after the Port of San Diego debuted a gleaming new terminal to welcome the slew of ocean liners it anticipated would dock here, the local cruise industry remains stuck in the doldrums, still awaiting a promised rebound. (sandiegouniontribune.com)

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San Diego: New Report Demonstrates Economic Impact

Although cruise calls declined from a high in 2008 of 255 to 2013, when 77 ships stopped in San Diego, the forecast is for more ships to be calling in the next few years (as the Mexican Riviera market rebounds). (cruiseindustrynews.com)

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