Cruise Port Amsterdam is open for business as usual

Amsterdam: the PTA cruise terminalDespite some news reports, Cruise Port Amsterdam (CPA) is open for business as usual with cruiseships continuing to call as per the schedule, explains Dick de Graaff, director Cruise Port Amsterdam.

On July 20, the coalition parties of Amsterdam city council called for a ban on ocean-going cruiseships docking at the current location in the city centre, ie CPA. The council has appealed to the College of Mayor and Aldermen who have yet to respond.

Dick de Graaff, director Cruise Port Amsterdam says: “There is no policy proposal yet nor has there been mention of any timeline. Cruise Port Amsterdam has taken note of this statement and awaits further information. We believe this may involve investigating a new location. When the response will come, we do not know at this moment.”

A few weeks ago the city council agreed to install onshore power at the terminal, with completion scheduled by 2025. The terminal will then have one connection for sea-cruise and eight for river cruiseships.

At present CPA has bookings up to and including 2026.

(Cruise Port Amsterdam is open for business as usual – Cruise Europe)