New CLIA Australasia award “Cruise Line Champion” to honour cruise line representative

CLIA AustralasiaTravel agents will be able to celebrate their most trusted cruise line representatives through a new category introduced by Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Australasia for the coming 20th Cruise Industry Awards.

The new Cruise Line Champion award will be presented to a cruise line representative in Australia or New Zealand who has gone above and beyond to support the travel trade, and who embodies CLIA’s mission of educating, advocating, and promoting on behalf of the cruise industry.

CLIA Managing Director Australasia Joel Katz said travel agent members had highlighted a need to acknowledge and encourage the support given by business development managers and other cruise line sales team members.

“This year’s Cruise Industry Awards will have a special emphasis on celebrating the determination and resilience of our travel agent community after the toughest few years in living memory,” Mr Katz said. “As well as honouring travel agents, we also want to recognise individuals from among the cruise lines who have championed the needs of their travel trade partners and helped make sure they are a part of cruising’s revival.”

Nominations for CLIA’s Cruise Industry Awards are now open, with 18 award categories to be judged including 11 open to self-nomination or peer-nomination. The awards are open to all current CLIA members in Australia and New Zealand, with nominations closing November 30, 2022.

“This will be our first award ceremony in three years and we’re encouraging everyone to be a part of the show,” Mr Katz said. “Now is the time for CLIA agents to put themselves forward for recognition or to nominate a colleague they’d like to see honoured for their efforts through extraordinary times.”

The awards will be announced on Saturday 11 March at a gala celebration at Sydney’s Luna Park Big Top, with entertainer Tim Campbell as host.

(CLIA Australasia)