New opportunity for funding from Hurtigruten Foundation. After supporting 26 projects in 12 countries the Foundation is now seeking applications from new projects

Hurtigruten (logo)Hurtigruten Foundation is about giving back to the beautiful places that Hurtigruten explores. After supporting 26 projects in 12 countries over the last year, the Foundation is now seeking applications from new projects, before the deadline on 1 November.

Hurtigruten Foundation is especially looking to support projects and organizations that create a lasting positive impact, and which allow coming generations to have the same unique travel experiences as Hurtigruten’s guests enjoy today. The Foundation supports projects that aim to protect endangered species, battle plastic waste and marine litter, and support local communities in the areas where Hurtigruten operates.

The funding for the grants comes from various initiatives on board Hurtigruten’s ships, such as the Green Stay Programme, whereby Hurtigruten Group gives a donation for every night that guests choose not to have their cabins cleaned – in appreciation for helping to save water, power and detergent. Hurtigruten’s guests can also give donations to the Foundation while they are on board, or through the Foundation’s website.

New for this round of grants, Hurtigruten Foundation will also be receiving funds from merchandise sold in the shops on board. The merchandise is made from abandoned fishing gear and ‘ghost nets’ collected along coastlines and oceans around the world. Each purchase includes a donation to the Foundation.

One of the recipients last year was the Turtle Foundation and their project to protect endangered sea turtles on the island of Boa Vista.

“Thanks to the Hurtigruten Foundation, we have been able to protect a large number of endangered sea turtles on Cabo Verde,” says Dr. Hiltrud Cordes, CEO & Program Director of Turtle Foundation.

“During this year’s nesting season, our team protected nesting female turtles from poachers, allowing them to lay nearly 4,000 nests so far, from which approximately 160,000 hatchlings can start their lives. In addition to funding conservation efforts on Boa Vista, donations like these help us to implement sustainable community projects for the local population. For example, we are currently running swimming lessons and environmental education for 100 local children on the Cape Verdean Island.”

Other recent recipients of grants in the last round included the South Georgia Heritage Trust, Happy Whale, Mashpi Lodge, MarAlliance, and Cape Horn Adventures.

Henrik A. Lund, Managing Director of Hurtigruten Foundation, says, “I am impressed with the real impact on the local nature, environment and communities from the Turtle Foundation and the many other projects we have supported in the last year. With the commitment and support of our guests and the Hurtigruten Group, we can now offer another round of funding, and I encourage all applicable projects to apply. Together we can make a difference!”

Applications for Hurtigruten Foundation funding for autumn 2022 must be received by 1st November.
