B.C. cruise-ship ports taking a wait-and-see approach to Alaskan senator’s warning
For now, it’s business as usual at the province’s four cruise-ship ports as they wait to see what, if any, fallout happens after U.S. senator suggested a 139-year-old law be bypassed so cruise ships can sail directly from Washington state to Alaska without calling at a B.C. port.
In response to B.C.’s proposal to levy fees on U.S. commercial trucks heading to Alaska, Republican Senator Dan Sullivan told an Alaskan radio station he might ask U.S. President Donald Trump for an executive order allowing cruise ships to skip B.C. ports.
Alaska has asked — again — for the abolishment of a 139-year-old law prohibiting U.S. cruise ships from docking at consecutive American ports.
Full story B.C. cruise-ship ports taking a wait-and-see approach to Alaskan senator’s warning