Cruise Port City Compass: The Result of the First Collaboration Between AIVP and MedCruise Presented at Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami

Cruise Port City Compass: The Result of the First Collaboration Between AIVP and MedCruise Presented at Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami (Image at - April 2024)  (Image at - April 2024)For the first time working together, MedCruise and AIVP have presented today (April 9, 2024) a publication titled ‘Cruise Port City Compass – Global cases inspiring sustainable connections & communities‘ during the “Seatrade Cruise Global”, in Miami, Florida.

The result of the works was presented to media, cruise lines and operators of the cruise sector by Noemi Frascella, MedCruise’s Director of Port & City Relationships, from the Port of Taranto, along with José Sánchez, Director of Agenda 2030 by AIVP, Projects and Content Member of the Management Committee.

This publication counts with the participation of different stakeholders. The interviews with 15 members of the working group highlight the best practices and initiatives carried out in their respective cruise ports from 7 different countries around the world on some key topics such as environmental protection and energy transition, port city interface and waterfront and governance, dialogues and economic impact.

The interviews with the cities of Trois-Rivière (Canada), Marseille (France) and Dubrovnik (Croatia) showcase the three different stages of development of the cruise sector in the port city context. Besides port authorities and municipal governments, technical and infrastructural providers are key in building a sustainable cruise-port city citizens relationship and two global leaders in their respective fields: Wabtec and Global Ports Holding.

Finally, academia, national governments, international organisations and reputed experts round up the publication, providing an overview of complementary perspectives.

The initial goal of the publication ‘Cruise Port City Compass’ is creating a benchmarking of good practices, identifying challenges and enhancing dialogue among stakeholders regarding cruise-port city interactions have been achieved.

The Cruise Port City Compass represents the first release of the “Cruises & Port Cities” working group, jointly coordinated by the international Associations MedCruise, the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports and AIVP – Association Internationale Villes et Ports. This partnership started in April 2021 with the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding. The ultimate goal of this cooperation is to share knowledge, improve communication and foster dialogue for a balanced relationship between port activities, cruises, and citizen aspirations.

The document is conceived as a “compass” for cruise ports and their communities, as it provides good practices for their sustainable growth and development. At the same time, this publication will help us understand what challenges and issues still need to be addressed. The present booklet aims to contribute to the existing and ongoing dialogue and actions developed at the European and global levels by the main institutions, associations and bodies which committed themselves to the sustainable development of cruise tourism and port-city relations.

The first result of the work highlights the need for further exploration, including defining principles for sustainability, engaging new actors, and conducting additional research with experts. These initial steps are encouraging and while we are still navigating, this compass is guiding us in the right direction.

(Cruise Port City Compass: The Result of the First Collaboration Between AIVP and MedCruise Presented at Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami – MedCruise, AIVP)