MSC Group to expand presence in Miami with new North American headquarters for Cruise Division

MSC Cruises (logo)Explora Journeys (Logo)The Miami-Dade Beacon Council, the County’s official public-private economic development partnership, joins MSC Group in announcing the development of its new home in Downtown Miami.

The MSC Group’s $100 million investment in Miami-Dade will bring approximately 250 South Florida-based team members from MSC Cargo, MSC Cruises and Explora Journeys under one roof in a new state-of-the-art facility within Block 55 at Sawyer’s Walk.

MSC Cargo has been based in Miami-Dade for more than 25 years and now MSC Cruises is moving to establish the Cruise Division’s North American headquarters as part of the Group’s commitment to Miami.

Full story MSC Group to expand presence in Miami with new North American headquarters for Cruise Division