Gibraltar: Minister Daryanani Announces Plans For New Cruise Liner Terminal

Gibraltar: Minister Daryanani Announces Plans For New Cruise Liner Terminal  (Image at - September 2023)The Minister for Tourism, Hon Vijay Daryanani, has announced plans to build a new cruise liner terminal.

The new state of the art facility will replace the current one, comprising of two floors and a rooftop. Sustainability aspects are also being worked on.

The Ground floor will be the main passenger area. The first floor will allow for events and conferences, with the possibility of shopping units. A final decision on this will be taken in consultation with the industry and stake holders. The total area will be 3817 m2.
The Minister will also be appointing a person within the Gibraltar Tourist Board who will work full time dedicated to this sector.

Minister Daryanani commented, “The present terminal is looking tired and this magnificent facility will be something Gibraltar will be proud of. It has been a long process and a lot of time and effort has gone into this project. Gibraltar has the potential to become the most important cruise destination in the Western Mediterranean.”

“The competition is immense and we have to improve and strive to be the best. This new facility will provide a luxurious passenger experience, in a world class environment, including improvements in the surrounding area.”

“Gibraltar is highly respected in the cruise industry but I want more. I want us to set a benchmark of high standards and I am sure with more hard work we can achieve this. This is not an easy job and a lot of work goes on behind the scenes. The Government is committed to the cruising industry and to helping Main Street trade. This project is the start of our ambitious vision for cruising for the next 25 years.”

(Gibraltar: Minister Daryanani Announces Plans For New Cruise Liner Terminal – Gibraltar Port Authority)