Coral Expeditions Installs Next Generation Broadband Technology Across Fleet. Ultra-fast internet for guests and crew in even the most remote locations

Coral Expeditions (Logo)Coral Expeditions has announced that it has completed the installation of advanced satellite and 4G broadband connectivity across its fleet of three expedition ships.

The new satellite technology will provide Coral Expeditions guests and crew with a reliable and high-speed service when exploring remote areas.

The multi-month installation process was completed in April with successful testing across the fleet on the Kimberley coast, Scott and Ashmore Reefs, Raja Ampat and the Spice Islands, Komodo and Cape York.

“I am pleased to report this latest investment that allows us to meet changing guest expectations of broadband access everywhere” stated Mark Fifield, Group General Manager.  “This new system takes advantage of recent improvements in satellite technology and worldwide coverage, combining the state-of-the-art Starlink network with 4G connectivity where available.  We have replaced ship antennas, networking equipment and service providers.  Our ships are reporting access speeds faster than our office in Cairns! While marine internet access will never be 100% reliable, we are confident the new service is equal to the best on ships anywhere”.

As part of the new service, all guests and crew will be provided complimentary access to standard wi-fi as part of their fare inclusion. Guests will also be able to purchase package upgrades enabling access to higher bandwidth if they so wish.  

Coral Expeditions operate over 90 immersive nature-based expeditions each year around Australia’s Kimberley, Tasmania, Great Barrier Reef, and Southern Ocean regions, along with international destinations including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, and New Zealand’s fjordlands and sub-Antarctic.

(Coral Expeditions)