Popular TV cooking documentary “The Perfect Dinner” on board AIDAprima

Popular TV cooking documentary ‘The Perfect Dinner’ on board AIDAprima  (Image at LateCruiseNews.com - March 2023)Following the success of the VOX dating show “Herz an Bord” on AIDAcosma, the next popular VOX TV show is now coming on board AIDAprima with “Das perfekte Dinner”. VOX is a German-language private channel of the RTL Group.

“Das perfekte Dinner” is a TV cooking show in which five amateur chefs compete. Filming will take place on board AIDAprima from June 10 to 17, 2023. The five candidates will take turns wielding the wooden spoons and show off their culinary skills. AIDA gourmet expert Franz Schned will assist them in the special cooking environment. The winner with the best menu will receive 3,000 euros.

Anyone who fancies this culinary adventure at sea can now apply for the dinner special on board AIDAprima: www.itvstudios.de/dinner, by e-mail to casting@itvstudios.de or by calling 0221-492048240.

The metropolis cruise with AIDAprima will be all-round culinary and a special treat for all gourmets. Gourmet patrons Andrea Schirmaier-Huber, Felicitas Then and gourmet godfather Stefan Marquard will be part of the party and, together with the AIDA kitchen crew, will spoil the guests with culinary delights galore.

There is also a culinary variety to discover on land during the voyage. From Hamburg, the ship sets course for Southampton, Le Havre, Zeebrugge and Rotterdam. Whether it’s tarte au chocolat under the Eiffel Tower or fish & chips at the London Tower: excursions to Paris, London or Brussels not only offer plenty of opportunities for sightseeing, but also invite you to try the local specialities.

All information about the show “Das perfekte Dinner” can be found at www.vox.de/cms/sendungen/das-perfekte-dinner.html.

(AIDA Cruises)