MedCruise Partner of “BlueMissionMed Project”
Kindly hosted by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and in collaboration with the EU Commission, BlueMissionMed Project’s kick start meeting will be held in Venice between 26th and 27th of January 2023.
“As the leading association of cruise ports, representing over 150 ports or destinations from 22 countries, I am extremely happy to see that MedCruise has been invited as a partner to this project. We have indeed a pivotal role in the cruise industry and this inspiring project, which will maximise synergies for the Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by the 2030 targets”, Figen Ayan, MedCruise President.
MedCruise4OurPlanet is active and continues its holistic and eco-conscious approach for a more sustainable cruise industry and planet.