The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has launched a monthly challenge to inspire polar enthusiasts to act for Antarctica

The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has launched a monthly challenge to inspire polar enthusiasts to act for Antarctica  (Image at - January 2023)The Ambassadorship Challenge is a 24-task downloadable card designed to inspire polar enthusiasts to be Antarctic Ambassadors and make changes at home to support the world’s most precious place.

A creation by IAATO’s Education and Outreach Working Group, the challenge is supported throughout 2023 on the Antarctic Ambassadors Facebook page with a monthly task participants can join, share progress, and offer inspiration to others based on their own experience. January’s challenge is to make meat-free meal choices for a week this month.

Hayley Collings, IAATO Director of Communications, said: “Every year people return from Antarctica inspired to take action to support its protection. This challenge is designed as a starting point for would-be Antarctic Ambassadors, or to kick things up a notch for those who have been Ambassadors for a while.

“There’s something for every age and ability so Ambassadors can get their families involved too.”

The downloadable card, available from IAATO’s Antarctic Ambassadors page , has 24 squares, each encouraging users to implement positive changes to their lifestyle. They can be done in number order or at random and as an individual, family or friendship group.

Challenges include sharing a sustainability tip with a friend, collecting trash at a local park or beach, reducing your car usage, going meat-free for a week and submitting your profile for the Antarctic Ambassador map to inspire others.

For those taking on the challenge of collecting trash at a local park or beach, IAATO’s Beach Clean-up Bingo and guides, released on World Ocean’s Day in 2022, takes the challenge to the next level by turning it into a fun-filled game of bingo.

Steve Jones, from IAATO’s Education & Outreach Working Group, said: “Ambassadorship has been a cornerstone of IAATO since its inception 32 years ago and we are thrilled to be putting out resources which can inspire and motivate others to do their part for Antarctica too.

“The card is a resource we are proud of, and an excellent addition to our growing library of resources for Antarctic Ambassadors.”

To get involved download your Ambassadorship Challenge Card here and choose any challenge to get started. Need support? Join in the conversation on the Antarctic Ambassadors Facebook page.