Update: Which Cruise Ships Will Be Scrapped Or Taken Out of Service Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Cruise lines continue to send their oldest ships to shipbreakers overseas in the wake of the global health pandemic.
Cruise Critic started this article in June 2020 when only a few ships had been scrapped. That list, however, has sadly continued to grow in the intervening years to encompass dozens of familiar favorites that have now sailed their last.
Most modern cruise ships have service lives of 40 years or more. While it is not uncommon to see cruise ships built in the 1970’s and 1980’s go to the breakers due to breakdowns or changing SOLAS (Safety Of Live At Sea regulations), older vessels are usually transferred first to another, smaller cruise operator — a market that is often referred to as “secondhand tonnage.”
Full story at https://www.cruisecritic.com/news/5423/