Refinancing of Havila Kystruten’s ships. Havila Kystruten has signed term sheets with lenders for refinancing of the fleet and has set dates for start of operations in route for Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux

Havila Castor at Bergen, May 2022The financing totals to EUR 370 million and covers payment to Tersan on delivery of Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux as well as redemption of existing debt related to all ships.

“It is with great relief to have the refinancing of our ships in place It has been a demanding period with a lot of uncertainty for the company, employees and not least our guests. We are happy to have found a solution”, says CEO Bent Martini in Havila Kystruten.

Redemption of debts to GTLK will take place by further agreement with the new lenders in accordance with permission obtained from The Norwegian authorities and in compliance with international sanctions regulations.

Soon in full operation
New plans for the delivery of Havila Polaris and Havila Pollux from the Tersan shipyard mean that the scheduled start-up on route for Havila Polaris is set at the latest 29th of December 2022 and Havila Pollux at the latest on 22nd of March 2023.

“Delivery challenges for critical components on the next two ships and thus some further delays, is of course very regrettable, especially for everyone who has booked a trip with us and not least for the coastal population”, says Martini.

“It is also very important for us to get the next two ships into operation, and we are very much looking forward to have a full operation with four ships along the Norwegian coast soon”, he concludes.

The company will accordingly contact passengers affected by the changes and offer similar voyages with Havila Capella and Havila Castor, alternatively voyages with the newest ships later.

(Havila Kystruten)