Quark Expeditions Introduces A New Style Of Camping In The Polar Regions

Quark Expeditions Introduces A New Style Of Camping In The Polar Regions - Photo Credit: Carlo Lukassen and Quark Expeditions (Image at LateCruiseNews.com - August 2022)Quark Expeditions has expanded its overnight camping opportunities for guests in Greenland as part of this season’s portfolio of immersive experiences.

“Camping overnight in the Polar Regions has long captured the imaginations of our guests,” says Thomas Lennartz, Vice-President of Sales for Quark Expeditions. “We launched our first camping options in Antarctica, where guests could bed down for the night while gazing up at the indigo glow of an Antarctic night. Antarctic Camping has been such a huge success that we’re launching this season a new option for camping enthusiasts in the Arctic: the Greenland Camp Experience along the Tasermiut Fjord in South Greenland.”

Lennartz explains that the Greenland Camp Experience adventure option is available to guests who book the brand new itinerary, Greenland Adventure: Explore by Sea, Land and Air.

“Overnight camping in South Greenland is by no means roughing it in the wild,” says Lennartz. “For starters, guests will travel on the technologically-advanced Ultramarine—which is equipped with two twin-engine helicopters and superb onboard amenities—and they’ll have the opportunity to join local Greenlandic hosts at one of the most exclusive camps in Greenland, located along the 70-km Tasermiut Fjord. Comfort and fine food, provided by a local chef, will be part of the camping experience—which is suitable for all ages and levels of ability.”

Full story at PRNewswire

(Quark Expeditions)