Ports of Romsdalsfjord: Molde and Andalsnes applies for OPS funding

Ports of Romsdalsfjord: Molde and Andalsnes applies for OPS funding (November 2021)Ports of Romsdalsfjord: Molde, Andalsnes & Eresfjord is working on an application to Enova for onshore power supply (OPS) funding for Andalsnes with a deadline of May 2022.

Jorid Sovik, marketing manager Ports of Romsdalsfjord: Molde, Andalsnes & Eresfjord, said: “We aim to provide shoreside electricity in Andalsnes by 2023 with a capacity of 12-16mW. The next step will be to start the process for OPS in the port of Molde. We have applied for funding for the preliminary project, so hopefully we will be able to provide OPS for cruise ships in Molde in a few years.”

Both Molde and Andalsnes deployed the EPI in 2020. Sovik comments: “We believe the EPI will incentivise the better performing vessels, and hopefully lead to a positive development attracting newer and better performing vessels to our ports.”

Although 221 calls were scheduled in 2021, (73 calls in Andalsnes and 148 in Molde), only 19 took place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2019 there were 89 calls in total, 48 to Andalsnes, four in Eresfjord and 37 in Molde. In 2023, 51 calls are expected in Andalsnes and 82 calls in Molde.

In May this year, the Romsdalen Gondola was opened in Andalsnes. It is the first gondola in Norway built according to sustainable principles. No stairs or elevators are required to access the gondola, making it fully accessible to all.

In addition to being built on local, sustainable materials, local suppliers are being used in the daily operation of the gondola and restaurant.

It is constructed without building an access road which would have created a scar on the mountain. For the same reason, a 698m-long pilot hole has been drilled through the mountain, from bottom to top, to house all the infrastructure for the restaurant, such as water, electricity and grey water, inside the mountain instead of outside. This is a world first.

(Cruise Europe, Ports of Romsdalsfjord)