After Ancona, the Central Adriatic Ports Authority welcomes the resumption of cruises in the ports of Pesaro and Ortona
After the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Artemis” cruise ship calls the ports of Ortona and Pesaro to discover Central Italy.
The Aragonese castle of Ortona and the heritage of the composer Gioacchino Rossini in Pesaro are just a taste of the touristic experience waiting for “Artemis” passengers.
Until November, the proposed itineraries valorise the beauty of Abruzzo and Marche regions thanks to the attractive mix of traditional highlights and other unconventional tourist destinations.
Pesaro and Ortona are also expected to welcome the sea and river cruise ship “La belle de l’Adriatique”, with an innovative model of tourism “cruise&bike”, to explore and enjoy local destinations in a sustainable way.
(MedCruise, Central Adriatic Ports Authority)