Construction of P&O Cruises’ new ship Arvia is well underway at Meyer Werft

Construction Starts on P&O Cruises’ New Ship Arvia

Construction of Arvia is well underway at Meyer Werft shipyard in Warnemunde, Germany. Like sister-ship Iona, our most technologically advanced and environmental ship yet runs on LNG (liquified natural gas), the cleanest, most efficient ship fuel system yet.

The FERU (floating engine room unit) has been safely installed in the shed at Meyer Werft. This vital section of the ship houses all the main engines and LNG tanks and is a wonder of maritime engineering.

Manufactured by Neptun Werft (sister of Meyer Werft), the FERU is 140m long (nearly 16 London AEC Routemaster buses parked end-to-end), 42m wide (five Routemasters parked end-to-end) and weighs approximately 12,000 tons(that’s approximately the total weight of 1,633 kerbside Routemasters).

Now the FERU is in the hall, the build enters a new phase as the prefabricated blocks are mounted onto the engine room section.

(P&O Cruises, Meyer Werft)