Carnival Corporation Announces Initial 2030 Sustainability Goals

Carnival Corporation & plc  (logo)Carnival Corporation & plc announced its initial set of 2030 sustainability goals, as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and compliance throughout its global operations.

Following the achievement of its 2020 sustainability goals, Carnival Corporation has established new sustainability goals for 2030 and aspirations for 2050, incorporating six key focus areas that specifically align with some of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

These areas include: climate action; circular economy (waste reduction); sustainable tourism; health and well-being; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI); and biodiversity and conservation.

Detailed below, Carnival Corporation is announcing several new goals, targets and aspirations for 2030 and beyond for two of its six focus areas that will guide its actions to further strengthen its environmental, social and governance performance.

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(Carnival Corporation & plc)