America’s Ports Stand Ready to Safely Receive Cruise Passengers Again

The American Association of Port Authorities – the unified voice of ports across the U.S. – agrees health and safety are paramount as the U.S. prepares to resume cruising.

The Centers for Disease Control’s issuance of new guidance under the Framework for Conditional Sailing Orders on April 2, 2021 is a step forward on a route to reopening.

The Framework’s intent of mitigating risk through coordination between cruise lines and the ports to prioritize a safe operating environment is aligned with current port practices.

America’s ports are key partners in the safe resumption of cruising. Over the past year, ports have been investing in further COVID safety improvements at facilities to limit contact and meet other CDC requirements. Throughout the pandemic ports have safely transported freight cargo and eagerly stand ready to receive cruise passengers once again.

As the CDC eased traveler restrictions at airports, in light of already implemented safety protocols, vaccination progress and an improved public health environment, AAPA urges the CDC to use analogous considerations to expedite a similar reopening for cruise travelers at seaports.

AAPA applauds the Biden Administration’s significant advances in battling the pandemic, while also safely reopening other tourism sectors. Ports are confident in their role to see the safe restart of cruising on track with President Biden’s July 2021 goal of Americans safely enjoying a “new normal” this summer.

While the U.S. is navigating a way forward, Canada’s ban on cruising has had a ripple effect shutting out the possibility of cruises to some of America’s ports. The U.S. CDC guidance could be an opportunity for Transport Canada to consider similar protocols to safely resume operations.