Marine wildlife charity ORCA to join Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines for Welcome Back ‘no port’ scenic sailings this summer

Marine wildlife charity ORCA to join Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines for Welcome Back ‘no port’ scenic sailings this summer  (March 2021)Guests aboard Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ ‘no port’ scenic sailings this summer will be joined by experts from marine wildlife charity ORCA, who will be offering wildlife-spotting tips, hosting sessions from the deck and giving guests the chance to assist in vital conservation research.

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines has unveiled its plans to resume sailing from this summer, and will welcome ORCA experts on board new ships Bolette and Borealis, and returning Balmoral, for seven sailings in July and August.

ORCA’s team of Cruise Conservationists will spend their days out on deck, helping Fred. Olsen guests to spot, identify and record data about the marine wildlife that they see, as well as holding lectures and Q&A sessions on board.

Steve Jones, Head of Partnerships at ORCA, said:

“British waters are incredibly rich with wildlife and to have the opportunity to celebrate and showcase them to Fred. Olsen guests is something that ORCA is delighted to be involved in.

“Not only will our Cruise Conservationists be able to teach guests about the wonderful world of whales and dolphins around the UK, but they will also be able to collect important scientific data to help ORCA protect them for future generations.

“We can’t wait to get back out to sea with Fred. Olsen and explore the wildlife that’s on our doorstep!”

Clare Ward, Director of Product and Customer Service, said:

“Our Welcome Back scenic sailings have been designed to celebrate our beautiful British Isles, and this is a fantastic way to do that, by showcasing the many species of marine wildlife that can be found here.

“These sailings around the British Isles, with some also taking in the Faroe Islands and Norwegian Fjords, will bring with them opportunities to spot common, Risso’s and bottlenose dolphins, as well as harbour porpoises and minke whales. Guests might even spot rarer visitors such as the iconic humpback whale.

“We know that our guests are really looking forward to joining us back on board this summer, and having ORCA with us will make these sailings even more special.”

Highlights of ORCA’s sailings with Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines this summer include:

• Borealis’ three-night S212 ‘Maiden Voyage’ no port cruise, departing from Liverpool on 5thJuly 2021. Prices start from £399 per person. Enjoy up to £50 per person to spend on board.

Itinerary: Liverpool, England – Cruising Firth of Lorn, Scotland – Cruising past Duart Castle, Scotland – Cruising Sound of Mull, Scotland – Cruising Fingal’s Cave, Isle of Staffa – Cruising by Dutchman’s Cap (Bac Mòr), Scotland – Cruising by The Small Isles, Scotland – Cruising Loch Fyne, Scotland – Cruising by Culzean Castle, Scotland – Liverpool, England

• Borealis’ five-night S215 ‘Scenic Orkney & Faroe Islands’ no port cruise, departing from Liverpool on 17th July 2021. Prices start from £699 per person. Enjoy up to £100 per person to spend on board.

Itinerary: Liverpool, England – Cruising by The Needle, Orkney, Scotland – Cruising by Old Man of Hoy, Hoy, Orkneys – Cruising by Marwick Head, Orkneys – Cruising by Fair Isle, Shetlands – Cruising by Sumburgh Head, Shetlands – Cruising by Cape Enniberg, Faroe Islands – Cruising Kalsoyarfjørður, Faroe Islands – Cruising Leirvíksfjørður & Djúpini, Faroe Islands – Cruising by Vestmanna cliffs, Streymoy, Faroe Islands – Cruising by Gásadalur, Faroe Islands – Cruising by Mykines, Faroe Islands – Cruising Gáshólmur, Tindhólmur & Drangarnir, Faroe Islands – Cruising by Hestur & Koltur, Faroe Islands – Liverpool, England

• Bolette’s five-night T216 ‘Scenic British Isles & Summer Wildlife’ no port cruise, departing from Dover on 19th August 2021. Prices start from £699 per person. Enjoy up to £100 per person to spend on board.

Itinerary: Dover, England – Cruising by Duncasby sea stacks, Scotland – Cruising by The Needle, Orkneys – Cruising by Old Man of Hoy, Orkneys – Loch Eriboll, Scotland – Cruising Loch Broom, Scotland – Cruising by Marwick Head, Scotland – Cruising by Sumburgh Head, Scotland – Cruising by Fair Isle, Shetlands – Dover, England

The ORCA Cruise Conservationist programme is a unique whale and dolphin monitoring project, using these cruises to identify and monitor whale and dolphin populations around the world.

Any data captured during these sailings will be analysed and used as a part of ORCA’s wider research to identify hotspots for whales and dolphins to help ORCA to better protect them. This helps to create safe spaces in the ocean for whales and dolphins to thrive, safeguarding them for future generations.

(Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines)