Cruise Lines Resume Sailing with MXP Protect and MXP Mobile Solutions

MarineXchange (Logo)After the forced shutdown due to COVID-19, several ships will soon resume service. TUI, AIDA, and American Queen will be able to take advantage of special software features from MarineXchange, provider of the only enterprise platform for the cruise industry and leader for cruise-specific mobile enterprise solutions.

Cruise companies’ current priorities are capacity control, contactless processes for POS and tours, biometric technologies, logging of rapid tests/temperature measurements, contact tracing, special reporting, and auto-notifications. The recently released MXP Protect suite provides cruise companies with all those features.

“Thanks to the modular design of the MXP enterprise platform, we were able to make MXP Protect available to our customers in record time “, says Johannes Lindthaler, Managing Director of MarineXchange.

Licenses for the thermal imaging and facial recognition software solution are available for free to all cruise companies.

(MarineXchange Software GmbH)