Scylla prepares the long-awaited restart of the sailing season

The George Eliot (Image courtesy of Riviera Travel)“More than 2 months after COVID-19 has put our fleet on pause, we can finally wake up in a world where cruising activities are within reach again. As we have passed the peak of COVID-19 and we have got to know our `virucidal enemy`, a positive outlook enabled us to start preparing the restart of our cruising activities.”

“Local authorities are gradually lifting restrictions on daily life, social interactions and national and international travel are enabled again. These positive perspectives allowed us to make short-term plans of offering journeys to our customers, adapted to the guidelines of local authorities. As soon as it is feasible to offer qualitative river cruises again, Scylla will gradually do so.”

As part of the precautions, Scylla has drafted its onboard protocols to ensure guests can enjoy their trip, with respect for safety and adapted hygiene measures. From embarkment till the end of the trip, social distance, a minimum of physical interactions between people onboard, regular health checks by an onboard doctor, and strict cleaning policies ensure safe travels.

The use of protective gear, onboard routing for one-way movements, body temperature measurement, COVID-19 quick tests, etc. are part of this strategy. Changes have also been made to the services and facilities offered onboard to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 without compromising on a true holiday feeling. High-risk services such as massages are temporarily not offered onboard, while the service level in restaurants, bars, and lounges is adapted by servicing the customer as much as possible, with a minimum of physical interaction.

With these extensive preparations, Scylla creates a renewed product at an adapted capacity, for the new reality. It is our goal to scale-up as soon as possible within the limits of the evolving situation.

“Our first trips will take place as soon as the decisions of local authorities allow us to offer guaranteed travel dates and safety can be fully guaranteed. We are looking forward to updating you again very soon on the specific dates and destinations of our first post-quarantine journeys.”

Read the summary with highlights of our onboard protocols at:

(Scylla AG)