OneOcean provides live updates on the Coronavirus for the maritime community

OneOcean, the global leader in compliance and navigation services for the maritime industry, today announced that in a bid to help the industry during the Coronavirus epidemic, it will provide reports of cases by date and flag and a comprehensive list of new Coronavirus related regulations, using its extensive maritime regulation database Regs4ships.

The single webpage report can be accessed by anyone, not just OneOcean software subscribers, to aid and alert workforces across the shipping, cruise and wider maritime industries. A daily situation report and updates from international and flag organisations will be available.

Martin Taylor, OneOcean’s CEO, commented: “The maritime community is undoubtedly being disrupted by the Coronavirus threat and many of the industry stakeholders are providing guidance and legislation around this very new and challenging area. I am sure that using our team of legislation experts to pull this all together in a free to view area will assist with coordinating our global reaction and management of what is a very difficult situation.“

The webpage, which is now live, can be accessed through the OneOcean website or by using the following URL: The up-to-date report will state a cumulation of accounts by date and flag state in which relevant vessels are registered and where available other pertinent information can also be viewed if available.
