IAATO announces search for new Executive Director
The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has launched its search for an Executive Director to lead the organizationin its mission of promoting safe, environmentally responsible Antarctic Travel.
The new Executive Director will succeed Acting Executive Director, Dr Terry Shaller, who has served IAATO in various roles for 15 years, latterly spearheading a restructuring of the Secretariat, the creation of a new IAATO Strategic Plan, and overseeing an overhaul of management protocols and standard operating procedures for IAATO business.
IAATO’s ideal candidate will have demonstrable leadership and diplomatic skills, experience in organizational administrative managementand the ability to develop high-quality business strategies and plans.
The position bears primary responsibility, in consultation with the IAATO’s Executive Committee and Senior Management Team, for design and implementation of all IAATO policies and procedures, in line with achieving the long-term outcomes envisioned in the IAATO Strategic Plan, including maintaining a strong institutional structure supporting an effective, efficient, and thriving Association; maintaining and nurturing IAATO’s standing as a reputable and valued partner in the wider Antarctic Community and maintaining sound safety and environmental standards to support the long-term viability of Antarctic tourism.
Interested candidates can find the Executive Director role profile and application information on the IAATO website.
Mark van der Hulst, Chair of IAATO’s Executive Committee said, “Under Terry’s strong and consideredleadership, IAATO members, the Executive Committee and the IAATO Secretariat have worked together to strengthen the association, firstly with the reorganization of the Secretariat into a team better equipped to support the growing needs of the membership andthe demands of our external polar partners, and by overseeing the development of integral management tools, such as IAATO’s new database.
“With solid foundations now in placeto see IAATO into its next chapter, it is time to begin our search for a new Executive Director to lead the Association in its commitment to managing for industry growth and enhancing ourrobust environmental standards for our members to continue to deliver enriching, educational and environmentally responsible exploration in Antarctica.”
IAATO has carefully monitored, analyzedand reportedAntarctic visitortrends since 1991 as part of its commitment to have nothing but a minor or transitory impactthrough the effective self-management of guest activities.Every year at IAATO’s annual meeting, members have open and candid discussions on safety, environmental protection and self-management. Decision-making is supported byrecommendations developed byIAATO’s many dedicated committees and working groups throughout the year. The meetings conclude annually with the voting in of new policies on best practice which support the association’s mission.
Mark added: “IAATO’s proven success in conscientious visitor management is the result of forward planning based on long-term understanding of the industry, so a forward-thinking and inspiringleader is integral to the ongoing development of our mission and vision.”