Record spending highlights importance of cruising to New Zealand economy

Auckland - New ZealandRecord levels of cruise ship expenditure revealed today (Aug.16) by Stats NZ have highlighted the enormous opportunity cruise tourism presents for the New Zealand economy, according to Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA).

The latest Cruise Ship Traveller Expenditure report from Stats NZ shows total cruise expenditure in New Zealand was NZ$569.8 million in the year to June 30, 2019, an increase of 28 per cent on the previous year.

New Zealand welcomed a total of 322,000 cruise ship passengers during the year, up 24 percent from 2018, with the number of Australian passengers representing more than two-thirds of the overall total.

CLIA Managing Director Australasia Joel Katz said the figures demonstrated the huge contribution cruise tourism makes to the New Zealand economy.

“New Zealand has become an incredibly popular destination for international cruise passengers and the financial impact they have reaches deep into the local economy,” Mr Katz said. “New Zealand has developed a highly creative and professional tourism industry, and this is reflected in the strong levels of growth we’re seeing in passengers and expenditure.”

Mr Katz said New Zealand’s investment in new infrastructure would help further develop the country’s cruise economy and allow the country to cater to the new generation of cruise ships entering the world fleet.

“Projects like the new Lyttelton cruise ship berth and plans to increase the capacity of Auckland’s Queens Wharf will help ensure New Zealand is able to welcome all types of international cruise ships in the future,” Mr Katz said. “This will allow New Zealanders to fully benefit from the economic contribution cruise passengers bring and allow further job creation into the future.”

(CLIA Australasia)