Carnival Is the First Major Ocean Cruise Line to Sponsor CLIA’s Accredited Cruise Counsellor Certification for All Business Development Managers
Carnival Cruise Line has become the first major ocean cruise company to sponsor Cruise Lines International’s Accredited Cruise Counsellor certification for all of its business development managers.
In mid-January Carnival BDMs completed the work required to earn the ACC through a combination of in-person coursework at the line’s recent sales team meeting and individual assignments.
ACC coursework included topics such as “Building Client Loyalty,” “Power Selling Skills,” “Power Selling Techniques,” “Effective Presentation Skills” and “Better Listening for Better Business.”
The BDMs will work throughout the year with agents in their territories to apply the lessons and tools acquired from their ACC certification as they collaborate to develop tailored sales, marketing, and support strategies.
“Carnival is committed to having the best sales and service organization in the travel industry, taking advantage of every available opportunity that will help our travel advisors succeed and grow — and the ACC certification is a powerful tool that will enable us to accomplish that,” said Adolfo Perez, senior vice president of sales and trade marketing for Carnival.
“Having ‘ACC’ on our business cards says that we have gone above and beyond to increase our cruise industry and sales expertise. Our team is proud to have earned that designation.”
The ACC certification is part of Carnival’s comprehensive program to support travel advisors that includes Why Use a Travel Advisor (WUATA), AMP Up Commissions, Loyalty Rocks Rewards, and Be the Hero Upgrades. In late 2018, Carnival’s BDMs also completed a new Carnival Corporation Sales Strategy and Customer Marketing certificate program through the Aresty Institute of Executive Education of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
For more information on Carnival’s travel advisor support programs, login to and click on the Agent Programs tab.