Another inaugural call At Portland Port: the Crown Princess

Crown Princess at Portland Port  (Courtesy Portland Harbour Authority, UK)At Portland Port yesterday a Princess arrived – that is, the 3080 passenger Princess Cruises ship, the ‘Crown Princess’. And this is not just any call but another inaugural call by both cruise line and vessel.

Portland Port feel very privileged to be a part of this and to be able to welcome The Crown Princess here on her inaugural visit. However, this won’t be the only Princess that the Port will see this year as The Sea Princess and The Pacific Princess will both be making their inaugural calls later in the season, whilst we get to welcome The Crown Princess back again on 24th September.

Ian McQuade – Commercial Manager commented ‘It has been an amazing start to the new cruise season with calls by two new cruise lines and three new ships in three short weeks. It has also been great to see such a wide range of nationalities visiting the local area and getting a taste of what Dorset has to offer.’

The 2019 cruise season is set to be another record breaker and is a reward for the effort that the port has put in to growing and expanding in such an important business sector.

(Portland Port UK)