Bornholm, Denmark, Has Two Firsts This Season

First season for new cruise pier in Port of Rønne shows growth with an 50% increase in cruise passengers for 2019 over 2018, the forecasts for the new cruise pier in port of Rønne is on target.

On June 3, 2019 the new cruise pier in Port of Rønne will welcome its first cruise ship. As forecasted, the new pier will bring a much greater number of passengers to the island Bornholm in the Baltic.

The port of Rønne is working closely with the DMO to raise awareness about service requirements and business opportunities, regarding the increased number of cruise passengers arriving.

Bornholm becomes the first World Craft Region

The island Bornholm in the Baltic sea, has been honoured with the coveted title ”World Craft Region” because of its particularly strong position in the field of handicraft products. Behind the title is the World Craft Council (WCC), which is the largest international organization to promote handicrafts. WCC is non-profit, non-governmental and is acknowledged by UNESCO.

The title “World Craft Region” has so far been assigned to 21 cities and urban areas in Asia and South America.

Cruise guests visiting Bornholm will find an abundance of craft products such as handmade glass, ceramics and textiles.

(Port of Rønne)