This year Stavanger is due to beat all previous records
After two stable years of cruise activity, Stavanger is expecting a record-breaking year in 2019. The number of expected calls will be up by 30% and passenger numbers are set to rise by over 45%, compared to 2018.
In addition Stavanger has now become a year-round port of call with cruise calls booked every month way into late 2021, explained Anders Bang-Andersen, director of cruise development City and Port of Stavanger.
This year 243 calls from 69 different cruiseships will bring close to 500,000 passengers to the city and surrounding region. Last year there were 187 calls and 333,000 passengers.
Statistics show that 80% of passengers to Stavanger are Europeans, half of which come from North Europe. Practically all cruises start and end in ports close to the North Sea.
In spite of the huge increase, Stavanger is not suffering from congestion or over-tourism. All four berths are only occupied on a handful of days in the year. There are still 200 days without any cruise calls at all.
The outlook for 2020 is also encouraging, being slightly up on 2019.
The first call of this year was on January 15. Viking Sky was en route from Tilbury to Alta on her first cruise in a series of six winter cruises, ‘Hunting for the Northern Lights’. Most of the 930 passengers signed up for local excursions in Stavanger, including RIB trips to the fjords and even curling.