Boost in trade sales helps Fred. Olsen achieve bumper summer season

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines (logo)Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines is celebrating a successful third quarter in 2018 in which a boost in trade sales by almost 30% was just one of a number of year-on-year headline figures – with the number of booked fly-cruise guests also up by more than 80%.

Sales made between July and September 2018 inclusive brought a number of year-on-year increases from the same quarter in 2017, including a 21% rise in the total number of guests booked; an increase in trade sales by 29%; and an 81% increase in the number of guests booked onto a fly-cruise holiday, with revenue up by a total of 26%.

In addition, Fred. Olsen’s Warmer Cruising campaign has seen a 74% rise in revenue based on the same period in 2017, while the number of guests who have booked a holiday as part of its ‘free all-inclusive upgrade’ has also risen by 31%.

Justin Stanton, Director of Sales and Marketing at Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines said:

“We know that our guests love what we do, from our closer style of cruising to the smaller and more intimate size of our ships, but – as they say – actions speak louder than words, and that is clearly demonstrated in these figures.

“This result is extremely encouraging in what is a fiercely competitive time in the travel market. I want to personally thank our trade partners, who continue to sell and recommend our cruise holidays to their customers time and time again.”

This year, the company’s Warmer Cruising campaign, which launched in August and runs until 17th October inclusive, offers guests up to 40% off 42 tempting cruises between October 2018 and March 2019, with durations ranging from five to 107-nights. It also includes a number of cruises with a ‘no solo supplement’ offer.

The successful quarter follows on from a number of trade-focused activities run by Fred. Olsen this year, including an increased number of educational trips, plus the company’s first ever ‘Closer’ conference in May, which saw the launch of the Big Fred. Olsen Giveaway. The incentive offers travel agents who make a Fred. Olsen booking the chance to win a cruise for two every month, and at the end of the campaign one lucky agent will win a brand new car in time for Christmas.

Last month also saw the launch of Fred. Olsen’s new interactive River Cruise Training Programme, created in conjunction with Online Travel Training, which allows travel agents to learn more about Fred. Olsen’s river product, following the launch of its first river ship Brabant earlier this year.

(Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines)