Pandaw Announces the New Combination Itineraries. Explore the rivers of Southeast Asia and India in more depth with uninterrupted back-to-back expeditions

Pandaw is excited to announce the new combination cruise itineraries. Explore the rivers of Southeast Asia and India in more depth with uninterrupted back-to-back cruise expeditions on our distinctive ships.

Thoroughly explore Burma by combining some remote river cruises such as the Chindwin River or the Irrawaddy delta, with a coastal expedition through the Mergui Archipelago. Or experience four countries by adding a Red River cruise in North Vietnam to a voyage along the upper Mekong River through Laos, Thailand and Burma.

Pandaw has recently launched India and we are excited to offer you a combination of the lower Ganges River and the Brahmaputra River in Assam.

All seven combo cruise expeditions range from 15 to 21 nights and include flights and hotels in between where necessary.

(Pandaw Cruises)