Royal Caribbean’s Explorer of the Seas returns to the Port of Nanaimo Wednesday

The Explorer of the Seas returns Wednesday, May 16th at 7AM and departs at 5PM. She begins this cruise on May 14th in Seattle, cruising at sea until her arrival in Nanaimo on Wednesday, then moving on to Victoria and back to Seattle completing a 5-day “Best of British Columbia” itinerary on May 18th.

The Explorer of the Seas called on the Port of Nanaimo in May 2016 and May 2017, is operated by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and 311 metres in length, with a passenger capacity of 3938 and 1180 crew. She returned to the Pacific Northwest on the week-end from a 23-day cruise that departed in Sydney, Australia with stops in Hawaii on route to Seattle.

Ewan Moir, President & CEO of the Port of Nanaimo comments: “It is our good fortune that, for the third May in a row, the Explorer of the Seas is calling on the gateway for Central Vancouver Island. The Port of Nanaimo, along with its many local and regional partners in Alberni and Cowichan Valleys and the Parksville – Qualicum area, are very proud to receive her for three consecutive years. She represents a great economic lift for central-island communities, a significant benefit from first-time passengers to Vancouver Island. We believe that many passengers will return once they discover one of the most preferred destinations in the world.”

As passengers arrive in the cruise ship terminal and clear customs, Tourism Nanaimo Travel Counsellors greet passengers and point the way to photo opportunities with the RCMP in Red Serge, the ‘Big Tub’ and displays of racing tubs from the Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society and to buses for pre-purchased regional shore excursions.

Passengers also take in the popular harbourside walkway, the Pioneer Waterfront Plaza and our interesting museums. Complimentary shuttles transport passengers from the passenger terminal through downtown Nanaimo and the Old City Quarter including Maffeo Sutton Park where they engage professionally trained Nanaimo Ambassadors and easily access the Saysutshun Experience on Newcastle Island. Contact with local culture include the downtown area, galleries, eateries and walking tours which receive positive passenger feedback on a consistent basis.

Cannon Firings at our historic Bastion are scheduled for 11AM, noon and 1PM. Nanaimo Bar samplings are provided by Tourism Nanaimo as passengers return to the ship, always part of our renowned hospitality, a soughtafter treat when visiting Nanaimo which was featured at a state dinner in the White House.

Moir continues: “We provide a high level of service on a consistent basis with our city and regional partners. The amenities and tours complement our award winning cruise facility and programs that cruise lines can count on. Passengers continue to tell us that we have an exceptional product and they want to see more of Central Vancouver Island.”

(Port of Nanaimo)