Royal Caribbean And CPP–The Myers-briggs Company Team Up To Help Travelers discover Their Adventure Personality

With the winter blues in full swing, whether that is rain, snow or plain-old cold, many travelers are dreaming of their next escape. A new calendar year brings a renewed sense of wanderlust, complemented by a fresh supply of vacation days, begging the question of “Where to next?”

Global cruise line Royal Caribbean International is teaming up with the international authority on personality research, CPP–The Myers-Briggs Company, to create a convenient way for travelers to navigate the possibilities for their next adventure from start to finish.

Adventure seekers can visit through March to discover more about who they are and what places around the world would most likely energize and excite them. The co-created quiz from Royal Caribbean and the Myers-Briggs team serves as a tool to guide adventurers in planning more fulfilling vacations than ever before, and maximizing their value for spend as well as their precious time off.

“Royal Caribbean encourages everyone to act on their wanderlust. Now we’ve created a fun, engaging tool to help travelers do just that by digging into their adventure personality,” said Jim Berra, chief marketing officer, Royal Caribbean International. “It’s exciting that Royal Caribbean is the first in the travel industry to partner with CPP–The Myers-Briggs Company. By combining our nearly 50 years of experience with the research expertise of Myers-Briggs, adventure seekers of all ages not only can better understand their adventure makeup but also their fellow explorers. It’s also worth mentioning that there’s roughly a zero percent chance of a wicked Nor’easter in the Caribbean Sea.”

The easy-to-complete, 13-question quiz draws on The Myers-Briggs Company’s knowledge of personality types, and specifically assesses a person’s underlying motivations and interpersonal needs that most affect their travel preferences. Once complete, quiz-takers receive a unique description of who they are as a traveler, along with insight into destinations and activities that best suit them – from relaxing on a Caribbean beach to dogsledding across Alaska.

“Vacations are one of the few times in life we’re truly allowed to focus on ourselves, so the more we know about our own personality type, the more relaxing and fun we can make them,” said Jeff Hayes, CEO, CPP–The Myers-Briggs Company. “Our research team and Royal Caribbean’s travel experts put their heads together and created a way to quickly map our personality preferences to travel planning, so that people can plan trips that will leave them recharged and rejuvenated.”

The Adventure Personality quiz will be available during prime travel-planning season, known as ‘Wave Season’ in the cruise industry, when the best offers are available for the year ahead.

Travelers can share their results by tagging @RoyalCaribbean and #ComeSeek on Facebook and Twitter, and invite their friends and family to learn more about their own adventure personality.

About CPP–The Myers-Briggs® Company
Unlock your organization’s potential and solve your most challenging workplace issues with CPP–The Myers-Briggs® Company. Our solutions improve individual and team performance, addressing issues from communication to conflict management, and supporting leadership development, career decisions, selection, and retention. Perhaps that’s why millions of organizations, large and small, partner with us, including the majority of Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, government agencies, and training and development consultants.

For more than 50 years, we have provided world-renowned brands that include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), Strong Interest Inventory®, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), FIRO®, and California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) assessments. Contact us at

(Royal Caribbean International)