International cruise season ends on a positive note for Baie-Comeau

The cruise ship Pearl Mist, of the Pearl Seas Cruises line, closed the international cruise season at Baie-Comeau on Sunday, October 22. This year, ten cruise ships docked at the Baie-Comeau port for a total of eight days. In all, some 6,000 passengers and crew members were able to enjoy the Baie-Comeau experience.

The exceptionally warm temperatures undoubtedly favoured our tourist attractions, which were very busy during the port of call days. Popular sites included, among others, Franquelin’s lumberjack Village, St. Amelie’s Church, the Garden of the Glaciers, the Seashell Valley, Le Manoir of Baie-Comeau, Manic-2 and Pointe-aux-Outardes’ Nature Park.

A growing German clientele

Two inaugural ports of call by German cruise ships highlighted the season: they were the MS Hamburg of Plantours Cruises and MS Artania of Phoenix Reisen. In total, one-third (33%) of cruise ship passengers visiting Baie-Comeau came from Germany this year – a dramatic increase over 2015, when Baie-Comeau received its first German cruise ship, representing 13% of our clientele. Slightly ahead of Germany is the United States at 41%, with the United Kingdom at 17.5%.

And that’s not all! A German TV crew visited several locations in the region, including the Seashell Valley, to shoot their seventh season of travel documentaries. All this is further proof that Baie-Comeau/Manicouagan represents an exceptional travel destination – from the warmth of the welcome to the quality of its tourist attractions and the beauty of its landscapes.

Investing in the cruise industry

Baie-Comeau Cruises is pleased to acknowledge the investments made in its numerous projects, which demonstrate the openness of all municipal and provincial funding bodies toward the cruise strategy. These include the creation of a new cohort of tour guides in partnership with the Cégep de Baie-Comeau under the Politique de soutien aux projets structurants (Structural Project Support Policy) or PSPS – urban component. Also, a modular reception area on the wharf, Espaces Beau Comois, was made possible by Tourisme Québec, the PSPS and Fonds Toulnustouc. Lastly, an ongoing investment has been made in tourism development by the FMVTPI (Fonds de mise en valeur du territoire public intramunicipal), administered by the MRC Manicouagan and Tourisme Québec.

2017 Tall ships races – Baie-Comeau’s 80th anniversary

Baie-Comeau Cruises is proud to have served on the organizing committee of RDV Naval 2017 and contributed its considerable expertise in the nautical and event fields. The entire Manicouagan community was delighted to welcome eight international sailing ships, including a catamaran, from July 14 to 16. Some 420 crew members and apprentice sailors from these magnificent vessels, as well as more than 12,000 visitors, enjoyed an outstanding weekend.

Thanks to all for your invaluable assistance

For the first time, cruise passengers had the opportunity to get a taste of our local sports culture. Snorri, the very popular mascot of our local Drakkars major junior hockey team, welcomed everyone personally. The exhibition L’Art est un Miroir at the Corrid’art du Pavillon Mance Art Gallery was visited and appreciated by a large number of cruise passengers. The Place LaSalle familiarization tour has also become a must-attend event for all of our employees at Baie-Comeau Cruises. Thank you, everyone, for your collaboration!

About Baie-Comeau Cruises
Baie-Comeau Cruises is a non-profit organization whose mission is to showcase tourist attractions and businesses in the Manicouagan region in order to promote Baie-Comeau as a cruise ship port of call in international markets.

(Baie-Comeau Cruises)