Carnival Cruise Line Expands 2018 Earning Opportunities With “Amp Up Commission Program”
Expanding on the popularity of its “AMP Up Commission Challenge” in September, Carnival Cruise Line is giving travel agencies a new opportunity to earn higher commission percentages in 2018 with its new “AMP Up Commission Program.”
The Program offers agencies the ability to increase their commission rate up to 15 percent based on active deposited bookings made from Jan. 1- March 31, 2018. Qualifying agents who reach booking goals during this window will earn increased commissions on new bookings made April 1-Dec. 31, 2018. Registration for the program is open beginning today through Nov. 12, 2017 on
“We had a tremendous response to our first commission challenge and wanted to build upon it with a new opportunity for agents to earn more as we move into the year ahead,” said Carnival’s Vice President of Sales and Trade Marketing Adolfo Perez. “This challenge is designed to give agents a boost of inspiration as they plan out their 2018 goals.”
To qualify for the commission challenge, agents must first register and submit a marketing plan on the AMP Up Commission Program registration site detailing how they intend to meet their commission goal. Once approved, they then need to meet the following booking goals to reach various commission thresholds as part of the program:
· 15 percent commission: 125 bookings
· 14 percent commission: 88 bookings
· 13 percent commission: 63 bookings
· 12 percent commission: 38 bookings
· 11 percent commission: 20 bookings
During the booking period of Jan. 1- March 31, 2018, all new active, fully deposited individual bookings made as well as all berthed group cabins will automatically count towards an agency’s booking goal for the “AMP Up Commission Program.”
At the conclusion of the booking period, agencies will receive an email summary of their goal achievements and increased commission level for April 1-Dec. 31, 2018, if applicable. New FIT and Group bookings made from April 1 – Dec. 31, 2018 will be eligible for the increased commission level; all berthed group cabins made during this period will earn the commission established at time of the group booking.
Travel agencies in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada currently earning commissions from 10-14 percent are eligible to register for the “AMP Up Commission Program.” For complete terms and conditions related to the new commission program travel agents may visit
Agents can follow the line’s many recent travel agent initiatives on Carnival’s trade Facebook page,, using the hashtag #thelist, #weareyourbiggestfans and #travelagentsrock.