Keel laying for New Mein Schiff 2 at Meyer Turku shipyard

The Keel of new Mein Schiff 2 was laid today 5.10.2017 at Meyer Turku shipyard. This important production milestone marks the beginning of the hull assembly. She will be a sixth ship build by Meyer Turku for German TUI Cruises.

New Mein Schiff 2 will be delivered to the customer early 2019.
New Mein Schiff 2 will be a sister ship to New Mein Schiff 1, which will be delivered from Meyer Turku shipyard in the spring of 2018. Both ships are based on a very successful Mein Schiff 6 and evolved from there with many improvements and new features for the guests to enjoy.

New Mein Schiff 2 will be 20 meters longer (315m) than Mein Schiff 6. Both ships will have space for 2894 guests and they will be true sports and wellness ships. There will be a jogging track of 438 meters, almost twice as long as in Mein Schiff 6 and a closed and covered sports arena. Both new Mein Schiff 1 and 2 will also have a climbing wall.

TUI Cruises CEOs Wybcke Meier and Frank Kuhlmann were present at the keel laying and were one of the VIP guests to fix lucky coins under the keel of the ship.

“It is always great to visit the shipyard and to see the progress with our coming ships. With new Mein Schiff 1 and 2 we will get two great new ships to lead our fleet in the coming years. We are very happy to see how these ships are taking form”, CEO Meier notes.

For Meyer Turku shipyard the keel laying of new Mein Schiff 2 takes place in the middle of a very visible investment as the parts of the new 1200 tons goliath gantry crane are being moved at the shoreline to be ready for an eventual lifting starting on week 41.

“We have just floated out the newly developed New Mein Schiff 1 and begin directly assembling its sister, New Mein Schiff 2, from pre-produced grand blocks. It shows the increasing pace that we are working at, while at the same time implementing our large investment program with the large goliath gantry crane being only one example of it. Working on our ships and our capabilities will prepare us for the increasing international competition. The process of lifting the crane is quite interesting: we will first lift the first leg in two weeks’ time, followed by the second shortly after. It sounds very simple but the crane’s beam’s own weight is 2500 tons and still the main crane beam is lifted by the crane legs to the height of over 100 meters in early November”, CEO of Meyer Turku Jan Meyer tells.

When fully erect, the new gantry crane will reach 130 meters height and will be a new visible landmark for Turku shipyard.

(Meyer Turku)