AIDA Mountain Bike and Racing Bike Weeks

During the 2017/2018 winter season, cyclists will be in for a real treat with AIDA. AIDAperla will be staging a Mountain Bike and a Racing Bike Week in September. In November, everything will revolve around two-wheelers in the Canary Islands with AIDAprima, while in December AIDAdiva will be offering a bike training camp during her Caribbean cruise.

Cycling experts Jens Heppner and Mario Peters will be along for the ride, providing professional guidance and sharing their comprehensive know-how and their total passion for cycling. They will be giving ambitious amateur cyclists tips on training, equipment, motivation and diet. Apart from extensive cycling tours, guests can look forward to expert talks, repair workshops, daily bike checks, a test center, lectures and sporting challenges.

Cycling around the Western Mediterranean
Those who want to explore the pearls of the Mediterranean from the saddle of their own mountain bike or racing bike should check in on board AIDAperla, our latest smiling beauty, from September 8–15 or from September 15–22. From Barcelona, the cruise goes to Palma de Mallorca, Ajaccio, Civitavecchia and Livorno. Over the course of four guided tours, numerous workshops and lectures, guests will be able to live out their passion for cycling with the professionals, Mario Peters and Jens Heppner.

Cycling in the Canary Islands
Once the fall has its grip on Germany and cycling without a warm hat and gloves is unthinkable, AIDAprima will be setting out on two 7-day cycling cruises in the Canary Islands. Enjoying pleasantly mild temperatures and a high likelihood of good weather, guests will explore the unique scenery in Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Madeira along with AIDA cycling experts, Jens Heppner or Mario Peters on four guided tours. The AIDA Racing Bike Week will be taking place from November 15–22, 2017, with Jens Heppner, followed by the Mountain Bike Week with Mario Peters from November 22–29.

The Caribbean by bike
Turquoise ocean, beaches with sand like powdered sugar, and magical scenery: on this 14-day AIDA cycling cruise the wonderful feel of the Caribbean will be enhanced by the pleasure of actively exploring the islands. The cruise from December 3–17 to the Lesser Antilles, including the ABC islands and the Dominican Republic, starts and ends in Barbados and takes in ten guided mountain bike tours, accompanied by cycling expert Jens Heppner.

The AIDA cycling experts

Jens Heppner is not only an enthusiastic racing bike expert but has also put in a dazzling performance as a Tour de France rider. During his professional career (1992 to 2002) Jens cycled for Team Telekom. His greatest success was as the overall winner of the Germany Tour 1999.

Mario Peters has a passion for mountain biking. When the 24-hour race lover is not exploring the world by bicycle, he is reporting in his column in the online magazine,, about himself and his life as a cyclist.

(AIDA Cruises)