Terminal manager appointed for new cruise terminal in Visby

Copenhagen Malmö Port, CMP, has employed Henrik Ahlqvist as terminal manager for the new cruise terminal in Visby.

The new cruise terminal will open in April 2018. Henrik Ahlqvist will be responsible for the cruise terminal and associated operations, and ensure that the new terminal functions well and is run effectively.

“Recruiting Henrik is a real stroke of luck as he has long and wide-ranging experience of the cruise business, including from Stockholm. On top of that, Henrik comes from Gotland, which is another major bonus. We are convinced that Henrik’s knowledge and positive approach will enable him to develop the new terminal in the best way possible”, says Arnt Møller Pedersen, COO, Cruise & Ferries at Copenhagen Malmö Port AB.

Henrik Ahlqvist’s most recent position was at Ports of Stockholm, where he was in charge of Cruise & Ferries and simultaneously Deputy Harbour Master. Besides responsibility for cruises, Henrik also managed the archipelago services and the city centre quays during his 16.5 years at Ports of Stockholm. Before that, Henrik worked for a 10 year period at the Estline shipping company, which operates the Stockholm – Tallinn route.

“I am naturally delighted to have been given this opportunity, and I feel that the job is perfect for me. There is a sense of coming home in view of my connection with Gotland. I have also had the opportunity to collaborate with CMP in the past, and feel that we are in agreement about the cruise industry and how the cruise business should be operated. I am really looking forward to taking up my position”, Henrik Ahlqvist says.

Henrik Ahlqvist will commence his employment on 1 September 2017.

(Copenhagen Malmö Port AB)