A look ahead to the new cruise season at Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven

The terminal at the Columbus Cruise Center (CCCB) in BremerhavenIn the new cruise season the Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven is looking forward to welcoming a number of familiar faces as well as a few new friends.

Faithful customers of many years such as Phoenix Reisen GmbH will be making a total of 37 calls at the terminal, including visits by all four of its ocean-going vessels, followed by TUI Cruises GmbH and Costa Kreuzfahrten with 11 stops each.

But there will also be other highlights at CCCB – 7 double arrivals, three days with three vessels leaving and one with four. Mein Schiff 3 and Mein Schiff 4 of TUI Cruises will both be calling at CCCB for the first time. On May 30, Costa Magica of Costa Kreuzfahrten will be making its first visit.

To mark this special occasion, the cruise terminal and the town of Bremerhaven will be working together to put on a special welcome which will include some colourful entertainment as well as snacks and a large information stand in the public visitors’ gallery in Steubenstraße 7b.

Another first-time visitor will be the Midnatsol of the Hurtigruten line on May 5 as well as the Thomson Celebration of Thomson Cruises on May 19 and the Seven Seas Navigator of Regent Seven Seas Cruises on September 23.

The season will close with the Christmas visits of Saga Cruises’ Saga Sapphire on December 5 and Saga Pearl 2 on December 15.

(Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven GmbH)